The Pharisees of old thrust the spiritual idea and the man who lived it out of their synagogues, and retained their materialistic beliefs about god. Jesus' system of healing received no aid nor approval from other sanitary or religious systems, from doctrines of physics or divinity; and it has not yet been generally accepted. To-day, as of yore, unconscious of the reappearing of the spiritual idea, blind belief shuts the door upon it, and condemns the cure of the sick and sinning if it is wrought on any but a material and a doctrinal theory. Anticipating this rejection of idealism, of the true idea of god,--this salvation from all error, physical and mental,--Jesus asked, "When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (emphasis added)We already have so few choices when it comes to health care. Want a natural birth with a midwife? Benefit from chiropractic? Are you a student of Christian Science?
from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. 132:14 et seq.
Do you have the right to choose for yourself? Will you have that right if national health care is in place? Or will you have to take what they give you, and pay market rates, without insurance, to get the health care you want to have? If so, is that freedom? Is it good?
Are we really so ignorant and incapable of determining what's best for our families?
Perhaps the health care plan doesn't intend to legislate what kind of care people will have, but, practically speaking, it requires it. Remember that doctors and hospitals now competing in the marketplace will depend upon the government for their funds, requiring them to toe the line to get that money.
I think we need to be very careful about this... and I don't like the idea that my representatives, in this republic of ours (it is not a democracy) may be voting for something they haven't reviewed and don't understand.
Please note I am not condemning or even mistaking the good intentions of those who sincerely believe that legislation is the only way to provide health care for all. However, isn't it reasonable to question the soundness of an industry which thrives by scaring people?
Preserving liberty requires eternal watchfulness.
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