If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and He shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. I John 5:16This does not say, "If you see someone do something you don't like or approve of, or which you feel is incorrect or out of line or inappropriate"--and this is not about sins "unto death," just regular annoyances and intrusions and gaffes and goofs and generally clueless behavior--"if you see someone do something like that, criticize them, run them down, 'tsk, tsk' at them, or gossip about them."
In fact, I challenge you to find in the Bible anyplace where it indicates that's a right response to another's erring ways.
John tells us what to do: intercede.
Oswald Chambers explains: "He reveals things so that we may take the burden of these souls before Him and form the mind of Christ about them, and as we intercede on His line, God says He will give us 'life for them that sin not unto death.' It is not that we bring God into touch with our minds, but that we rouse ourselves until God is able to convey His mind to us about the one for whom we intercede." (My Utmost for His Highest)
That means pray for the one who has messed up. Ask God to show you what the truth is about the situation, if it is yours to know, and to bless and guide His child in the meantime.
It doesn't matter whether we're right and the erring one is wrong. Our turn to be wrong will come soon enough! And we probably won't be any more aware of it than our hapless brother or sister was, in the moment when they annoyed us.
I don't know about you, but if I'd been following that counsel over the last few months, I would have prayed more for those whose laudable desire to provide for their families was transformed into outright money-lust.
And they, of all people, need prayer. They might escape earthly justice for a while, but there is One who watches every move, knows every thought, and wants them to love Him, rather than His bountiful gifts.
Had I prayed for them properly, I think I could have spared myself a lot of unworthy, uncharitable moments.
So, pray for me, if you will: ask God to guide my heart and thoughts, that I may do as John says, and ask God to give life to those whose erring ways I happen to notice.